
Showing posts from December, 2009

Three Things

Everyone wants success. Some people spend their every waking moment pursuing it, to the detriment of all else. For others, attaining success seems impossible. They conclude that it is destined for a select few. The rest of us are to remain “content with such things as we have”. Having it all is not “in our stars”. However, the above assumptions couldn’t be further from the truth. When you strive for success with the wrong assumptions, you will never reach it. It’s like travelling somewhere with the wrong map. Zig Ziglar says that, “Success is a process, not an event,” “a journey, not a destination.” Jim Rohn describes it as “…a condition that must be attracted not pursued.” Do you see the pattern? “…a process, not an event.” “…a journey, not a destination.” “…a condition that must be attracted not pursued.” You can’t hurry success, catch it, or find it by chance. You can’t inherit it, gate-crash on it, or take it from some one else. Success is something you must work hard